Before we get to this gorgeous family…. what do you think of the MINI MAKEOVER to the blog? I’ve been really unhappy with how “blah” my blog looked. So I did some changes and I feel like it’s now clean & fun! Would love to know your thoughts! Anything I need to improve on? Is any of it hard to read? My website is under construction too! I’ve got the main splash page of the website looking better too. Here are some changes I made to the blog….
New striped grey background. New fun font (which I feel matches my style of photography better). New rounded frames around all the pictures. New updated pictures in the scrolling header. I updated my logo to have the “RB” behind it. I’ve always had the RB but never knew how to get it on my blog like that. Took out a lot of the black throughout the site and added more grey! What do you think? Does it match me?
Now, on to this super cute family session! I always love coming back to Arkansas to do family sessions! There’s just something fun about shoot there. I already have set trips there the first week in April & the first week in June if you’re interested in booking a session for Spring/Summer 2012.
One more thing… what do you think of the rounded blog pics? It’s kinda a ton of work to do the rounded frames, so I’m trying to decide if it’s worth the extra effort! Thanks for your opinion!
As always we’ll start off with my fav! I put this one on my blog header!
Sweet twin girls!
Little change of clothes for a few quick shots before the sun set!
Sisterly love!
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LOVE the mini-makeover! The rounded edges are totally you but your pics are so great that if it’s too much effort they can absolutely stand alone! The new font is fun just harder to read…but who’s reading anyways when there’s so much awesomeness to look at!?!
Thanks for always sharing! I enjoying creep’n.
I am really lovin’ the new make-over. It’s so clean, and easy to look at! Personally I think the rounded edges are cute, but I do like the ‘traditional’ square edges because that’s what your pictures come in. Looks great! I love coming to see all your new pictures, especially with you having fun new locations in CA! Also how many sessions are you taking in early April?