Oh man… I’m so excited about these photos! I’ve been waiting all weekend to post them, was tempted to do it yesterday but wanted to start the blog week off right! Meet the Francis Family! Pretty much the cutest family ever. Go check out Jennifer’s blog for anything you’d ever want to know about their family. She’s seriously a blogging machine. I was able to work them into my schedule when I came back to Arkansas for a wedding a few weeks ago. I knew I wanted to do some fun tall dead grass pics (they’re my fav and it’s been way too long, ha). Jennifer was up for anything as I think all she really hoped for was at least one picture of all of them looking! I need to give a special shout out to Jennifer’s friend, Julee, who helped sing songs, make animal noises and do all kinds of craziness to get the kiddos to smile. I think our hard work paid off!! Let me know what you think!
Lets just start it off with a super sweet one of all of them looking and smiling. Definitely a framer!
Staying with the same pose… but with Josh & Jennifer showing a little love!
Then those sweet smiles turn into a reality and this happens, HA!
Time to move! I just love the light in all of these photos.
So sweet.
Even Sweeter….
…and one I would frame in a 20×24 in my house if this were me :). Might be my absolute favorite.
Brody up close. Brody and my Brady were in the church nursery together. No one could ever get their names right, ha!
I take it back, THIS IS MY FAVORITE!! Look how Brody is reaching for his sissy! Precious, priceless, must be printed big!
Back to the antique quit for a few more shots. I’m not gonna lie, it was getting really hot at this point.
They kept the great smiles coming! I could have taken pictures of them all day (if it were about 30 degrees cooler).
A little break for the kids and a few of just Josh & Jennifer. I just love this picture.
I love taking pictures of couples in love.
The one of the right is so so so sweet.
Back to Jillian-Kate & Brody. They still had some very sweet smiles for me.
Some very very sweet smiles.
But then Brody thought it would be more fun to put his hand in his sister’s face!
And Brody is done, but not before I snapped this sweet pic of Jillian-Kate.
Change of scenery and thankful to be out of the boiling sun.
Nothing sweeter than a daddy and his little girl. I watch many daddy/daughter dances at weddings and tear up almost every time.
Jennifer based their whole color scheme off Jillian’s dress. Perfect for a summer shoot.
A sweet one of Jennifer and her little boy. How sweet does Brody look on the left?
I think he was worn out from all the pictures. But he obviously did incredible for being 2!
A few more of Jillian-Kate.
Look at those big blue eyes. She’s going to be a heart breaker some day!
Loving on her mama.
AND… we tried one last picture and this is the best we got. I usually delete photos like this but thought Jennifer would think it was funny. Thanks for such a fun shoot Francis Family. You totally made my week with your beautiful family.
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These are SO good Rachel! I read Jennifer’s blog all the time and feel like I know them! If i was Jennifer I would print them all and find some place to hang them! (:
These are beautiful!!!!!! And so happy! I read Jennifer’s blog all the time and it is so great how wonderful her pictures turned out! I agree with Kesley! :)
These are amazing!!!! The Francis Family is so photogenic! :) Great job Rachel!
Long time follower of Jennifer’s blog – and I love, love, love these. The colors, the composition, the sheer happiness. WOW! So impressive!