I know my sister has been waiting for these pictures for a while… so I finally forced myself to sit on the couch and finish them last night! Wow.. am I glad I did! There is some major cuteness going on in these pictures! Now again, I was not the official photographer, but how could I keep resist from taking a few shots throughout the day? Sarah did want me to take a few Bride/Groom pictures right after the ceremony. Thankfully I had incredible sunset light and a gorgeous backdrop at The Chapel on the Creeks in Rogers, AR. Her reception was at my parents new home in Johnson, AR. Gorgeous setting for a fun intimate reception! Congrats Sarah and welcome to the family Brad! If you missed their engagement shoot or Sarah’s bridal shoot you should go check them out!
We’ll start out with the flowers! A decision Sarah slaved over for months! I’m pretty sure they were PERFECT!
ZuZu’s Petals did and incredible job… Sarah was so happy with how they turned out!
Sarah’s super cute shoes!
… and b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l dress! I was with her when she found it at Briar Patch in Fayetteville! Briar Patch is a super cute bridal store that you should definitely check out if you’re on the hunt for a wedding dress!
Now I realize this isn’t the greatest picture, but I know it means something to my sister. All of my siblings and their spouses have their wedding picture on my parents wall (Ryan and I are on the top right). Sarah wrote in “coming soon” into her frame as she got engaged! So fun! Hopefully we can fill that frame very soon!
My sweet friend Allison came over to help make us pretty. She’s putting some finishing touches on Sarah right before she puts on her dress.
I now put down my camera and enjoyed myself ha! But I picked right back up when we got to the wedding chapel with some pictures of the sweetest boy you’ll ever meet (a.k.a. my son).
Had to get a shot of me and my baby (Thanks Miranda)!
And one of my little family! I think we’re looking at the actual photographer and Brady was looking at my sis in law! Still very cute!
My sister wanted all the boys to have coordinating socks. After months of searching she finally found all 6!
Ceremony… which I have not one picture from since I was in it! Ha!
BUT… what I do have it some serious cuteness after the ceremony! Arkansas is gorgeous in the Fall!
I know I already posted this pic, but it was worth posting again!
My sis is so pretty :) One of my favorite shots of her.
Chapel on the creek is a great venue for weddings and pictures! They put the picture on the left on their Christmas card.
Loved the back of Sarah’s dress so much!
Love both of these shots!
Loving life at this moment.
Dipping pictures… some couples can do it, some couples can’t! I think they’ve got it down.
One more of those gorgeous flowers!
A few of Sarah!! Now thats the smile I was TRYING to get out of her at her bridal shoot… Why would I say that? Go check it out!
We made fun signs to the reception.
One of the reception table centerpieces… which had goldfish swimming in them! I’m not gonna lie, I put the centerpieces together. I was awfully proud of myself considering it was my first time to do something like that.
Her cakes. The groom’s cake is a tree stump! Linda Carnes is the best!
I then put my camera away again… and actually enjoyed a wedding reception free of responsibility. It was GREAT! I did happen to catch one last picture of them leaving for their honeymoon! How could I resist :)
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As the Bride in those pics, I must say you do excellent work Rach. You really got some cute ones! It means so much to have a few pics taken by my sis! It really was a beautiful day! Luv ya! -Sarah-
Great pictures Rachel! What fun to have a daughter for a photographer. Love, Mom